School Counseling Office

from left: Sharpe, Flowers, Dagnan, Donen


11th & 12th Grade School Counselor:
Dr. Sherry Dagnan 
[email protected]

9th & 10th Grade School Counselor:
Leslie Sharpe 
[email protected] 

th & 8th Grade School Counselor: 
Sara Jane Flowers [email protected]

6th & 7th Grade School Counselor:
Angi Donen 
[email protected]

College Advisor:
Sandy Mitchum
  [email protected]

Susan Patton
 [email protected]


Our Mission 

Our mission as school counselors is to serve as advocates for all students. Our goal is to support and encourage students to reach their academic, personal, social, and emotional potential. The foundation of our program is driven by data, the TN State Counseling Standards, and collaboration with stakeholders to be proactive and preventative in an effort to meet the needs of all students. We work to create a safe and positive environment that supports students in gaining the skills and knowledge needed to become balanced lifelong learners. 

Our Vision

We envision all Signal Mountain Middle High School students graduating with a strong foundation of personal worth and character, academic confidence, a growth mindset to meet their future career and college goals, and the resiliency to navigate obstacles as respectful and compassionate global citizens.

Our Beliefs

We believe the following to be true:

  • all students should be respected regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, disability, or religious beliefs.
  • all students are unique and dynamic individuals, capable of learning and becoming responsible and productive adults.
  • all students should have the opportunity to learn from mistakes and successes to better understand and develop resiliency.  
  • all students should take developmentally appropriate ownership of their learning and practice self-advocacy.
  • the school counselor’s role is to provide a data driven, developmental counseling program to meet the needs of ALL students.