Music Boosters is comprised of Middle and High School Band parents. They do the ‘behind the scenes’ work to ensure our students have everything they need to have amazing experiences. This includes raising money, organizing events, and doing the work necessary to keep our programs running smoothly. Any parent may and is encouraged to participate by contacting one of the officers below. A new slate of officers and committee chairs is formulated each spring.
Board for 2023-2024 Music Boosters
Executive Board
Past President- Vacant
President- Allison Gord
VP-HS- Christine Stubblefield
VP-HS- Kristin Robertson
VP-MS- Andrea Smith
VP-MS- Sherene King
VP-Fundraising- Kira Wheat
Secretary- Kate Campbell
Treasurer- Ed Castellanet
Committee Chairs
Corporate Sponsorships - Chris Vaughn
Uniforms - Kitty Castellanet
Sportswear – Mikki Pelfrey
Parking - Lisa Perplies
Hospitality- Dana Stone
Website - Reggie Alley
Please visit the Music Boosters website!