Signal Mountain Middle High School

Math Advancement Plan

The SMMHS math department is committed to helping our students achieve their highest potential. Our ultimate goal is to place students in courses that both meet their needs and challenge them to grow. Students who are properly placed are more likely to have their interest in math cultivated. To this end, we offer multiple paths and opportunities to advance at different times in a student’s development.

We offer 6 distinct opportunities in which students may advance during their SMMHS math career. By accepting the opportunity to advance, the student is committing to following the path to which they advance.

1. Students in 6th grade advanced math class take Honors Algebra 1 in 7th grade. The 6th, 7th, and 8th grade standards are covered in the 6th grade advanced course. These students are chosen by data including academic performance, teacher observations, and at least two diagnostic assessments.

2. Students in 6th grade math may advance to 7th grade advanced math which covers the 7th and 8th grade standards in one year. The purpose of the course is to enable students to enter Honors Algebra 1 in 8th grade through an accelerated curriculum. These students are chosen by data including academic performance, teacher observations, and at least two diagnostic assessments.

3. Students in 7th grade may advance to Honors Algebra 1 in 8th grade based on data taken at the end of 7th grade. This data includes academic performance, teacher observations, and at least two diagnostic assessments. Summer work is provided and recommended to prepare students for Honors Algebra 1 in the Fall.

4. Students may double up and take Honors Geometry & Honors Algebra 2 during the same year. In order to do this, they will have to forego an elective Administrative approval is required for this opportunity.

5. After Geometry – Students may take an abridged Algebra II course (not for credit) with only the content of Algebra II needed for DP Analysis and Approaches SL. The course must be completed by August 1st for placement in DP Analysis and Approaches SL. There is not an EOC for this course.

6. After Honors Algebra II – Students may take an abridged Precalculus course (not for credit) with only the content of Precalculus needed for DP Analysis and Approaches HL. The course or content must be completed by August 1st for placement in DP Analysis and Approaches HL. There is not an EOC for this course.

If you have an advancement need not covered here, please let your math teacher and school counselor know.

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