The dress code is designed to allow for student comfort while maintaining an environment conducive to learning and appropriate for the educational setting. A statistical correlation exists between good
grooming, personal attire, and achievement. Apparel and/or appearance should promote student
learning and should not be disruptive to the learning environment. An important goal of a dress code is
to teach young people that in the larger arena of life, different types of dress are appropriate for
different settings. Apparel that is appropriate for social settings may not be appropriate for school.
Disciplinary Actions for Dress Code Violations include, but are not limited to: warning and being made
to change, ISS, and/or administrative decision for further additional consequences.
1. Clothing that reveals the navel is unacceptable. Shirts should extend below the top of the pants
when standing as well as when seated.
2. Strapless shirts, backless tops, halters, tank tops, see-through material, and low-cut shirts are not
appropriate for school. Top apparel must be modest and no cleavage or bare midriff should be
revealed. All tops must have a minimum of 3-fingers width on the shoulders and NO undergarments
should be visible.
3. Shirts may not depict suggestive wording, pictures, graphics, or advertisements for alcoholic
beverages, tobacco, drugs, sex, gangs, etc. Students will not be allowed to turn shirts inside out.
1. No underwear is to be visible when standing or sitting.
2. No holes or tears where skin is visible may be present in any garment worn.
3. Skirts, shorts, and dresses must be at least mid-thigh length. Students should be able to sit, stand,
and walk without revealing underwear above or below the garment.
4. Pants must fit appropriately (all pants must be worn at waist level and cannot be extremely tight)
and may not be ripped or have holes or patches showing skin.
5. Pajama pants are not permitted.
6. Tights, leggings or yoga pants must be worn with shorts over them or a tunic, shirt, or dress that
extends to at least mid-thigh length.
7. Shoes or other appropriate footwear are to be worn at all times. No house shoes or slippers.
8. Coats are not to be worn during school, and must be placed in a locker upon entering the school
building. Fleece, sweatshirts, and pullovers may be worn during school, but hoods cannot be worn.
Blankets are not allowed.
9. Hats, head coverings, bandannas, and sunglasses are not to be worn in the building from the time the
building opens until dismissal. These items must be kept in lockers during the school day, and if seen
with student during the day, they are subject to confiscation.
10. Any inappropriate piercing will be dealt with at the discretion of the administration.