Signal Mountain High School Seniors and Parents/Guardians,
We would like to continue a senior tradition/privilege by allowing the seniors who are in good standing to leave campus for lunch the first Friday of each month. Eligible students will be able to check out/in between 10:46 a.m. and 12:36 p.m.
In order to have the privilege of leaving campus for lunch, a parent/guardian signature and teacher signatures are required. The teacher’s signature verifies that you are in “Good Standing” in their class. The parent/guardian’s signature gives you permission to leave campus.
“In good standing in each teacher’s class” means you have met the following requirements:
You are presently passing the class with an average of 70, or above.
You do not have 2 or more unexcused absences since the last open campus lunch.
You have not received an office referral from that class.
If any of these three requirements are NOT met, your teacher’s have been instructed to NOT sign your form.
Requirements for maintaining “Good Student Status” and continuing the privilege of leaving campus for lunch are as follows:
Passing each class with a 70, or above. Seniors will lose the Open Campus privilege any time your average falls below 70 in any class. Students may regain the privilege at the Open Campus lunch if all class averages are at 70, or above.
Upon accumulating two un-excused absences in any class since the last Open Campus lunch, seniors will lose the Open Campus privilege until the next Open Campus lunch.
When a senior’s actions result in a suspension, in school suspension or office referral, the Open Campus privilege will be lost until the next Open Campus lunch.
When a senior is tardy to 8th period after an Open Campus lunch, the Open Campus privilege will be lost for the next month. If a student fails to return to school after an Open Campus lunch, the privilege will be lost for the remainder of the school year.
Seniors must ALWAYS comply with their parent/guardians wishes as it relates to being a passenger in another senior’s vehicle, or allowing another senior to be a passenger in your vehicle. Failure to follow this mandate will result in an immediate loss of this privilege. The amount of time the privilege is lost will be determined in a parent conference.
Seniors will lose the Open campus privilege for the remainder of the year for taking any underclassman off campus during Open Campus Senior Lunch.
Seniors will lose the Open Campus privilege for any other circumstance as determined by administrators, which violates a senior’s “Good Standing Status,” or calls into question the ability of the senior to safely participate in the Open Campus program. Such circumstances are, but are not limited to: 1. A vehicle citation by law enforcement; 2. Any inappropriate behavior at any establishment visited by the senior during the Open Campus time; 3. Visiting the campus of any other school during the Open Campus time. ( This is strictly forbidden )